
Be sure to check out the tabs across the top of the page to navigate.  Gameplay Variations contains summaries and links to the Uno variations on this site and Special Wild Cards has pictures and rules for many of the different editions/themes of Uno.

My wife and I love board and card games! Our game closet consists of everything from the casual to the complex. And for some reason, we started collecting different versions of Uno a few years back. We now have over 25 different sets of Uno cards, including Uno Spin, Uno Dice, and Uno Attack.

This blog began when my wife and I were playing one of our Uno games and we decided we should try to spice it up with some sort of variation. However, a quick Google search for "Uno variations" led to only a few mediocre attempts, most of which sounded boring or included rules that we have already made part of our house rules. So, we decided to make our own variations and share them via this blog!

If you have any suggestions for a new Uno variation we can try out, please shoot me an email at UnoVariations@gmail.com. Suggestions or criticisms about this site are also welcome. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Enjoy!

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